AED Saver 1 Pro
AED Per Default, Reliable For Any BLS Rescuer, Can Be Easily
Switched In a Manual Defibrillator Giving To ALS Responders The
Best Decision-Making Control For a Manual Shock Timing or An
Electric Cardioversion (Synchronised Shock).
Operation:AED Semi-Automatic (default)ECG Monitoring
-Manual Asynchronous or Synchronous (used to convertatrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias).
Energies:Standard max 200J or Power max 360J
Waveform:Adaptive BTE (biphasic truncated exponential)
conforming to patient chests impedance.
Energy type:Escalating from 50 to 360J
AED Protocols:Adult Standard escalating 150, 200, 200J
Adult Power escalating 200, 250, 360J
Pediatric (Standard or Power) 50J fixed
(AED adult shock protocols can be customized).
Manual Protocol:Selected by users from 50 to 360J. For electriccardioversion (in Synchronous mode) the shock issynchronised to occur with the R wave of the ECG.
Energy Display:Screen provides the energy to deliver both in
Manual mode or AED mode.
Charging time:9 seconds with a new and fully charged battery
depleted battery will result in a longer charging time.
Analysis time:IEC/EN 60601-2-4 from 4 to 15 seconds
Impedance:20-200 ohms
Sensitivity:IEC/EN 60601-2-4 (AHADB, MITDB source), 97%
Specificity:IEC/EN 60601-2-4 (AHADB, MITDB source), 99%
Controls:2 buttons: ON/OFF, shock button;
3 buttons: to surf the menu;
3 buttons: select energy, charge, disarm the device
Indicators:Status LED indicator informing on device condition
Battery gauge with remaining capacity rate
Audible alerts and text display with service alarms.
Upgradeable:through a USB cable or memory card.
ECG Monitoring:
Operations:Through defibrillation pads or standard ECG
electrodes attached to a separate 2-Lead patient
monitoring reusable cable SAV-C0017.
ECG size:Manual setting through the menu.
Heart Rate:30-200 bpm.
Sweep Speed:25 mm/sec.
Standard:IEC/EN 60601-2-27 less then the points;,13; not performed for the
intended use of the device,as it is not intended for
environments such as operating theatres
or intensive care units.
Display:5,7 TFT colour, 640 x 480 pixel.
Battery options:
Type:Li-SOCl2 Disposable, code SAV-C0903
Autonomy:250 complete rescue cycles (shocks at 200J and CPR) or
160 complete rescue cycles (shocks at 360J and CPR) or
24 hours ECG Monitoring for a new and fully charged
battery (*).
Shelf-Life:when stored in original packaging 5 years (*).
Battery-Life:4 years once installed to AED, assuming one battery insertion
test and daily self-test but without switching AED on (*).
Type:Li-ion Accumulator, code SAV-C0011.
Recharging time:2,5 hours with the charger station code SAV-C0014 (*)
(recommended to charge every 4 months at least).
Autonomy:200 shocks at 200J or 110 shocks at 360J or 14 hours in
ECG Monitoring for a new fully charged accumulator (*).
Battery-Life:2 years or 300 charging cycles (*).
Pads options:
Type:Disposable, pre-gelled and self-adhesive
Adult:Code SAV-C0846, for patient >8 years or >25 kg.
Pediatric:Code SAV-C0016, for patient